(that’s the church word for “agenda”)
Prelude | |
Welcome and Introductions | |
Gathering Music | Your Love is Lifting Me Higher |
Igniting the Spirit | |
Monthly Verse | Philippians 4:13 |
Opening Hymn | VU #352: Lord of the Dance |
Prayer | |
Community Time & Announcements | |
Offering | Jesus Take the Wheel |
Offertory Prayer | Lord Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary |
Scripture | Acts 6: 1-7 |
Anthem | Teach Us to Pray |
Reflection | “They Told Me to Come Back, I Said No” |
Prayer | VU #238 How Great Thou Art |
Closing Hymn | VU #289 It Only Takes a Spark |
Sung Blessing | May the Road Rise Up to Meet You |
Postlude |